gill's prom

(Archived, June 2018) Every time I photograph a different person, I learn something new about myself and about photography. While photographing Gill's prom I learned that sometimes a location doesn't always pan out like it's suppose to. Originally Gill and I were to meet at the Japanese Gardens in Roger Williams Park. I arrived literally hours early to scope out the place (and because I was so nervous as this was my first shoot that I was actually being paid for). The garden was unkept, littered with pollution and not what I imagined it to be. There's only so much editing you can do in post to save a location, this location was beyond saving. I frantically drove around the park looking for different places to use instead. At first I was freaking out, but once I had some Del's (I was back in RI, it's only the proper thing to do), walked around and met a 9 week old dog named Kylo, I started to calm down. I remembered back from my time on set filming my short, that shoots are NOT perfect, you are always going to hit some bumps. It's just how you continue to roll with the punches and make art out of nothing.